Tuesday, August 31, 2010

I got tagged!

1.) How did you get the career you have now, & why did you want it?
Not applicable. Ho hum. Actually, if I could live as a housewife guilt-free, life would be perfect! I could spend all my free time crafting and netflixing. :)

2.) What was the most awkward moment you've ever been through?
Well. My life has been a string of awkward moments, honestly. I thought about this question for a while, and I tried remembering something interesting, but I try to block bad memories because otherwise I dwell on them much more than is healthy. Yeah, I know.
I suppose recently, the most awkward situation I had was when my best friend ended our friendship. This is because in the last emails I sent to her, I said some pretty personal things, to help her feel like she wasn't the only one being vulnerable, I guess? I don't know. They were things I would have rather never told anyone, especially now that we don't talk. Ugh.

3.) What is your favorite movie, & why?
Amelie has been my favorite movie since I first saw it, nearly ten years ago. I originally wanted to see the next movie by the guy who did City of Lost Children, and it was totally not what I was expecting, whatsoever. I loved it, but in my naivete, I had no idea why. As I've gotten older and experienced life, it still makes me smile and cry like crazy. At separate points, except for the end, where you smile while tears run down your face. Always. Maybe it's because I see so much of myself in it. I've always been afraid of hurting myself, to the point of solitude. And I think I found my Nino Quincampoix. :3

4.) What is the one food or meal you could eat everyday?
Right now, basically I do eat a peanut butter and jelly sandwich every single day. I shake it up by trying new jellies (I detest jam) but I have yet to get tired of it, and I've been eating them at least three times a week since November, maybe?
But, if you want to get interesting, and calories DEFINITELY aren't a factor, I'd choose the pumpkin curry from Exotic Thai with vegetarian chicken. Oh man. Every time I eat it, it's like the first time. I always say I'm going to try something new, and I end up picking the pumpkin curry. Nothing sounds as good. I didn't know pumpkin chunks could belong anywhere but inside a pie at Thanksgiving.

5.) What is the murder weapon, who did it, & where?
If it were me, it'd be a pair of knitting needles in the sun room. That's how I roll.

6.) Favorite article of clothing, & why?
I hate to be boring, but I really think my favorite article would be a new pair of jeans. I spent about four months thinking I lost my round little butt when I lost a bunch of weight, because it was swimming in my size 18 jeans while I was too big for 16s. The day I could squeeze back into a 16, I felt so sexy. I couldn't stop looking at my butt in the mirror. I honestly thought I'd lost it and I was going to be one of those women with a flat back that ended at the top of my thighs, like my maternal grandma.

7.) If you don't have it now, what is/was your dream job?
I want a farm. I want to be able to work for myself and do something I love. I hate having to take orders, compromise my integrity (being nice to people as they're rude to you, ahem) and wearing fucking dress pants. I want to spend my time at home, with my family and feel like what I'm doing means something.
We've always talked about having an alpaca farm, and I really want that to be my future. I can do some dog boarding on the side and maybe grow small crops for the farmer's market. Who knows? I just want to be happy with what I do. Which is why I don't work. I don't want to be depressed because of my job anymore. Of course now I'm depressed because I'm poor and not contributing. Tangent!

8.) Favorite game to play as a child?
I always liked pretending we were puppies. Actually, my brother had some crazy anger issues from very young, and he used to hit me a lot, even though I was five years older. When he was really young, though, I realized I could deflect his anger by dropping on all fours and pretending to be a puppy. His anger would subside instantly and he'd smile and pet my head while barked. Man, this is funny written down.
I had a big imagination as a kid. I spent a lot of time pretending I had imaginary pet dragons and that my stuffed animals were real.
One more thing, in third grade, my best friend and I would pretend we were Simba and Nala wrestling during recess. I remember the yard duty being uncomfortable with us crawling around and pinning each other. It's funny looking back on it, now.

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