I first started watching Most Haunted on the Travel Channel about 4 or 5 years ago. I had always enjoyed those ghost hunting shows, but lost the habit of watching them. Then, when I was visiting my mom a couple years ago, we watched Ghost Adventures. I thought it was ridiculous. This douchey guy taunting ghosts, his horrible voiceover skills, that hair.
Then I came home and forgot about it. Until it was one one night, when we were flipping channels. I told Mike he had to see this. So we watched it, laughed, enjoyed the freaky EVPs (or electronic voice phenomenons, as Zak has to explain EVERY SINGLE TIME) and actually had a good time. So the next Friday, we watched it again. Then we realized we actually liked the show, and set a series recording.
There have been some excellent happenings on that show. I was really excited when they went to an abandoned reformatory school in Ione, California because we drive through there on the way from San Jose to my grandma's house, and I've seen the roof of this place from a distance. The episode where they went to a haunted plantation in Louisiana actually made me scream. The slave houses were padlocked at night, with no electricity running to them, but one room had a light on, and while they were walking toward it, the light shut off. Then turned on again. And as they stood next to it, Zak said something like, "if you're in there, shut that light off," and it did. And I screamed.
Last night, we just watched Ghost Adventures: The Beginning, which is footage from their first lockdowns, back before they had a tv contract. Despite all cheesiness, there were some amazing parts of that show. Namely, a full body apparition recorded walking across a room, unmistakably a clear body, with visible legs. And the brick. Holy crap. They recorded a poltergeist picking up a brick and throwing it across a room. It was pretty amazing footage.
I'm not going to lie, the main reason we watch this show isn't for the ghost activity, which gets pretty boring after a while, it's for the crew. They are such douchebags. There isn't a better way to put it. They fist bump. Zak has the most ridiculous outfits. Nobody told him Jnco jeans went out of style over ten years ago. His hair is something else. One one episode he kept talking about how he wanted an incubus to come and do dirty things to him, only to explain in a later episode that he meant a succubus, NOT an incubus. Another time he decided to face his fear of snakes and pick up a fucking snake he found while they were shooting in the hills before a lockdown. And he was yelling, "ahh, why did I do this?"
The time we watched it when my dad was visiting, he likened it to Scooby Doo. It feels like that sometimes, because they're being so serious, but they don't always come off that way. It's not the highest quality show, by any means, but we have fun, and we look forward to new episodes.
I love Ghost Hunters more than Ghost Adventures. You're right, the host is quite douchey. But it starts to grow on you. :)