I love peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. I eat one every single day, if I can. It all started around last December, when Mike and I both got really sick for two weeks and neither felt like going grocery shopping. So I'd eat one or two a day. I never really gave it up. I started experimenting with different peanut butters and jelly flavors. I should stress this, I HATE jam, but I love jelly. It's eating chunks of cooked fruit that bothers me. So I'd try a new peanut butter brand every time I needed a new can. I stuck with natural Skippy for a long time, until I learned about palm oil, so I switched to natural Smuckers, which had two ingredients, peanuts and salt. So we went to super target to see if they had a better selection, and they did. So I switched to the target knockoff, because it came in chunky. Mmm. And so I'll stay, for the time being. When I was a little kid, our local grocery store had a peanut grinder, where you could make your own peanut butter. If I could find something like that, it'd be perfect.
I've been running around all day. I ended up checking out the plus size consignment store I used to live by, since it has a new owner. I bought a doll, who I think is the Beast from Beauty and the Beast. Sadly, he came with nothing but ill-fitted tassel pants. No Beast mask. I sold a pair of cords I haven't worn in a couple years. I'm thinking about bringing all my unwanted stuff there, since the new owner sells actual items, the old one just sold clothes.
Tomorrow is my mom's birthday, and like the bad daughter I am, I sent her package today. Oops. I just never know what to give her, since she doesn't want or need anything, really. Well, anything cheap, I mean. She always asks for crocheted scarves, but it's getting to be summery soon and she has no real use for them. And I couldn't think of anything practical. Potholders are too impersonal, ponchos aren't her style, she wouldn't have any use for a tiny purse. So I knitted her an octopus from Hansi Singh's "Amigurumi Knits" in hopes that she can use it as a decorative piece on her desk at work or something.
When I crossed the street to the Post Office, I got yelled at by a turning driver for not waving to her to say I was crossing the street. Sheesh, if I'm at a crosswalk and the little walking man signal is lit, why should I wave to tell a person I'm crossing? In her disgust, she creeped up to ONE FOOT away from me as I was walking.
At first I was all angry and upset. Then I realized someone must have peed in her coffee and I had nothing to do with it. She was just venting on me. So I joked with the lady at the post office and left smiling. Then I came home and had some carrot cake.
Now Mike is grilling turkey burgers and "Beast" is going to get a hair treatment.
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